Sunday scaries are real for me. I don't know if it's an educator thing or if other professions deal with it too, but Sunday nights between 5 and 6 pm, a negative energy starts to set in about the week ahead. The weekend with its fun and rest quickly comes to a close. I want to refocus that negative energy on something positive to get me through upcoming busy, stressful, worrisome weeks. So to that, I say welcome to the first post, Scripture over Scaries, where I'm choosing to share a good nugget of truth to get us through the upcoming week.
I'm really not a talkative person. I'm pretty quiet and observant for the most part, but in a sermon a few weeks ago I was convicted that I should use my voice more. Not necessarily for singing, but for sharing the truth that can sometimes be hard and scary to share. Hebrews 5:12 says, "You have been believers so long now that you ought to be teaching others." Something that keeps me from doing that more often is I let the enemy get into my head and I spiral and start to question, "what if I say the wrong thing?" and then think, "I don't study enough each day to know all that I need to know" or the even bigger question, "what if I offend someone and they get upset with me?" That's probably the most glaring one for me because I'm a big people pleaser and don't want to ruffle feathers with truth that could come across as judgmental.
Hebrews 5:12 reminds me that I have been a believer long enough that it's time to share what I know to be true about how God can completely restore your life IF YOU LET HIM. It won't be easy, I don't know all the answers, but I know that I have a God that goes before me in all situations. On a personal note, one way that I plan to take a further step in this conviction is to get plugged back in to teaching Sunday school with middle school girls. I've been out of that leadership for too long using the excuse that I'm too busy or too tired to add one more thing to my plate, but real talk - those aren't excuses, that's laziness and when it comes to the kingdom, He'll give me the energy and rest I need when it's time.
Whatever we're facing this week, let's remember: we have a God that loves us immensely and our biggest "to do" is to first teach others the good news through our words and most definitely our actions. All other items on our to do list will fall into place.
Do you experience Sunday scaries?